Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Adventure Begins

Hi all! I'm Yummy Mummy and welcome to the grand opening!
First a bit of background info out of the way...

*Yes I am a mum at the ripe old age of 24 to a gorgeous little 6 month old fella. and 2 other furry babies (my precious dogs! though they often refereed to as looking like overgrown guinea pigs)
*I guess I am what you would call a yummy mummy but I'll let you be the judge of that.

*I'm into arty things - I paint and sing (but am more known as a karaoke diva these days)
*I'm married to a funny, hottie husband, who also just happens to be little fellas dad!

Everyday is an opportunity to experience, enjoy and have a laugh at the world around us. Too much of this stuff goes on in my life and to not share it with the world would be almost criminal!So...Let the Adventure Begin!

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